Thursday, January 1, 2015

Looking back

Allow me to mimic journalistic bigs and re-live a year through some of the poems I wrote that had not--at the time--seen the black of printer’s ink or the forums of the Internet.
JANUARY. “this New Year’s morning/ just like all the others/ at least at daybreak”
“New Year’s afternoon/ opening the fridge/ to heat my coffee”
“on Epiphany/ an epiphany: my book’s/ theme is desertion"
“light snow/ highlighting bare branches/ of hardwoods”
            FEBRUARY.  “Two red/ pickups scream past/ my homestead, and then/ the wheeah, wheeah of the small/fire truck.”
            “February 9th/ sparrow lounges in birdbath/ between wind gusts”
“another winter predawn~/ from the south window, crescent/ moon through bare branches”
            MARCH. “paying bills~/ aroma of King Alfred/ daffodils.”
“Behind/ the upper glass/ of door appeared a face/ of white. His eyes were marble-blue, / a-slant.// He saw/ me ‘see’ him; did/ not move or duck below/ the glass or scurry off the screen, / this cat.”
            APRIL. “A lone/goose honks as it/ flies over; its voice dies/ out gradually, like the sound of/ sirens.”
            MAY. “the church meeting/ I freeze while my neighbor/ fans herself”
“rooster/ adding to early morning/ birdsong”
            “mid-May/ after a rain-filled fortnight/ 48 degrees”
 “wind-blown rain/ forcing me off the porch swing/ Memorial Day”
            JUNE.  “the white cat/ grooming himself/ in my flowerbed”
“last day of June/ 80 degrees/ at seven a.m. / a slight breeze from the north added/ to that made by moving swing”
            JULY. “first, fireworks, then/ thunder...the cats/ find a hidey hole”
            “behind Mother’s fern/ I sit in the porch swing/ in my gown tail/ early traffic past the house/ cares nothing of it”
 “my back to the woods/ turning, the only movement/ a black butterfly”
            AUGUST. “eating just the heart/ the long-cut watermelon/ that takes up fridge space”
“Earthquake, / landslide, typhoon/ stories all appearing/ on the same page of today’s state/ paper.”
“the lightning bug/ flying onto the porch/ from the rain—it lights”
SEPTEMBER. “standing in line/ at the Dairy King ... Gourmet/ Foods deliveryman”
“impatient / to follow me ... her claw/caught in the screen”
“first day of fall/ the haiku journal full/ of spring poems”
            OCTOBER. “kittens/ using the birdbath stand/ as a climbing wall”
“upturned flowerpot/ mother cat swishing her tail/ so kittens can play.”
“brown and yellow leaves/ carpeting the yard, floating/ in the birdbath”
NOVEMBER. “the daily rains end/ a slough becomes a river/ the ditch, a slough”
“birds on the train rails/ ignoring the sign that says/ Do Not Stop On Tracks
“Ides of November/ finding a lone white circlet/ of spirea bloom”
            “Thanksgiving Friday/ after the first frost, the cat/ licks the birdbath ice”
DECEMBER. “from across the room/ I see one cat on a chair/ but two sets of ears”
“mid-December/ the japonica’s/ pink buds"
            “what do I see/ on the New Year’s calendar? / wind-ruffled bluebird”
            May 2015 be a memorable year for you.   


Bookie said...

Good Morning, Pat. Thank you for all the comments on my blog. Tanka? I am just not familiar with tanka. Do are your poems above tankas. I looked them up and it said like a haiku...which I do know. So is it only the number of syllables that is different? And yes, revising does count as writing! I think it was Michener that said revising was "re-seeing" your work and it was hardest part of all. Sounds like we are both off to good starts and both have found new poets too! Now I must get to work or I will do what I do best...stray from the job!

pat couch laster said...

Claudia: tanka is also an oriental form, but with 5 lines. Traditionally, 5-7-5-7-7, but I write the modern kind keeping to five lines, period. Yes, let's get to the hard (but good) stuff. xoxo

Dorothy Johnson said...

Enjoyed your year in poems.

pat couch laster said...

Thanks for taking time to read/ respond. Happy, productive new year to you/Terry and the fur babies. xoxo