Thursday, November 9, 2017

Finally, Chihuly In The Forest, plus a delightful dinner

First stop on the forest trail
In late October, I packed the car for a 4-day trip to Eureka Springs. BFF Dot-from-Beebe  took vacation days to go along. A poetry "do" was the instigating motive, but I'd discovered that the nearby Crystal Bridges' CHIHULY IN THE FOREST exhibit was still in place. Bucket list!
Parking was a problem and we finally drove to the upper lot and hailed a shuttle. After standing in line for quite a spell, buying tickets, getting directions, we rode down (or up) an elevator that showed the workings of the thing. Finally, we were on the trail. We took our time and stopped to snap photos of the glass installations.



We caught the shuttle back to the car and drove back to Eureka Springs to rest and refresh before a drive to Berryville for dinner at Dan and Susan Krotz’s home. Warm hospitality for strangers-cum-friends, a delicious dinner with delightful conversations about all four of us and our creative activities and output made for a wonderful experience.
Once again, back to Eureka Springs for our second night. You know how it is the first night away: not such a sound sleep. But this night, we slept soundly, partly because of how tired we were from all that walking. What a great day. Two--TWO--great experiences in one day. How lucky can one get at our ages???



John Heartbreak said...

It sounds like a busy time and a fun and productive time as well. Crystal Bridges is a national as well as local treasure. Why you spoiled the trip by spending time with Dan Krotz is a mystery, however. He's written two volumes of an unauthorized biography of me and threatens to repeat with a 3rd volume. Please do not encourage him.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your post Pat. It was a restful, beautiful, productive, fun time.

Elephant's Child said...

Colour me jealous. I adore Chihuly's work and when we had an exhibition here I went twice.