Thursday, April 18, 2013

April happenings mean many things to many people

              April is National Soy Foods Month. According to Rosemary Boggs, AD-G, three companies that make soy products are Soyjoy, Morningstar Farms and WestSoy.
April is also the peak of tornado season that runs from March to June. Be prepared. Lists exist.
          And then there are special “days,” either important events --or not. Depending on you.
     April 18th -- First laundromat opens in Fort Worth Texas – 1934; * Great San Francisco earthquake in 1906; * Paul Revere Day--Paul Revere rode to alert patriots that "The British are coming..." in 1775. * Pet Owner's Day. Take some time to celebrate the furry family members in your life!
           April 19th--Humorous Day. Tell someone a joke—old or new. “Did you hear the one about…?”
        April 20th--Cuckoo Day. Cuckoo Day? In Britain, various places celebrate the coming of the bird between mid-April and June. Some hold cuckoo fairs. (See more online.) * National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day. Yum, yum!
April 21st-- Kindergarten Day. The first kindergarten was founded by Friedrich Froebel in Germany in 1837.
April 22nd-- Earth Day, the day each year on which events are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The April 22 date was designated as International Mother Earth Day by a consensus resolution adopted by the United Nations in 2009. Earth Day is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and is celebrated in more than 192 countries each year [Wikipedia]. * Girl Scout Leader Appreciation Day. I wasn’t offered any cookies this year,alas.
April 23rd-- Home Run Day. Hank Aaron hits his first home run in 1954.      International Sing Out Day. “Take me out to the ballgame.” Oh, wait.* William Shakespeare's Birthday. The bard was born in 1564.
April 24th-- Administrative Professional's Day, the fourth Wednesday of April. *Pigs-in-a-Blanket Day.
Did you happen to notice that one of the month-long April observances is National Poetry Day? Aw, you should have known I’d come back to that!
To close this week’s April ramble, here are some haiku of mine published during 2008 in the now-defunct online-journal, “Thirty-Seven Cents,” a branch of the Missouri State Poetry Society that began when a postage stamp cost 37 cents.
“early spring warmth/ a mourning cloak butterfly/on the witch hazel”
“redbud in full bloom/ poet colleague discovers/ she has lymphoma”
“lady in new grave/ owing the cemetery/a clean-up fee”
“bedraggled pansies/ in the newly-green garden/ dianthus blooming”
May the remainder of your April be filled with working in the dirt of your flowers or your vegetables, raking last year’s leaves, mowing the hen-bit and clover, uncovering violets, weed-eating around the lilacs and azaleas, sitting in the shade with a glass of tea and inhaling the fragrance of newly-bloomed narcissus.
Ah, April. What a month.


Grace Grits and Gardening said...

This was very informative and provided me with possible future blogging material:) I wish I had known you missed out on the girl scout cookies. The girl scouts were in full bloom in our neighborhood around March 1. I had about 20 boxes - would have brought you some in Piggott.

pat couch laster said...

Oh, well, I've made do, but thanks anyway. None of the little girls around here peddle cookies door to door, of course. xoxo

Dorothy Johnson said...

May your Apri blessing come back to you! Two of my granddaughters have birthdays this month, so I especially love it!