Thursday, April 12, 2018

A deferred dose of trivia

                              The journal given to me one Christmas from Linda Harrison

One of my favorite writing activities is to jot down interesting tidbits from my reading. Here are some examples.

* “Farb-y”/Farb = a word that re-enactors use to describe something incongruous with the time period of the Civil War. Example: a digital wristwatch.

* Obit for T. C., no age given: “We (funeral home) ask that any relatives of Mr. C. please contact [us].” [This ran for several days beginning Dec. 1, 2012]

* On Nov. 30, 1912, there were no newspapers in the Democrat-Gazette archives. [Wonder why?]

* Here’s a Jed Clampit and a Robin Hood in the same obit!

* Michigan is part of the Rust Belt. Also, Indiana and Wisconsin.

* There’s a Grindstone Mountain in south Eureka Springs!

* Generally, earthquakes with less than 2.5 magnitudes go unfelt.” (Go where??? LOL)

* Children’s Book Week began in 1919 and celebrates the transformative power of literacy.

* Quotes from a legislative Green Party candidate: “I don’t have nothing against …” and “I have got all my rights back.”– M. Wickline, AD-G, on Fred Smith (former Harlem Globetrotter). [Eek! I say.]

* Theremin -  haven’t heard/ seen this word for ages. It appeared in Jim Mullen’s column describing what is radio sounds like as he moves closer/farther from it. (Saline Courier 5.1.’12)

*Don’t drink Anheuser-Busch products. Sales in Whiteclay SD ruin the Indians of all ages.–N. D. Kristof, NYT (5.8.12)

*Wow!  Centerpoint (Amity, AR) school beat Episcopal Collegiate (LR, AR) in the 3A Quiz Bowl competition. Bet THAT was a surprise. (5.9.12)

* Quotes on aging/being old: “… the luster of being old.” – R. Toler, “The Paradox of Old,” from Sheer Poetry, p.73

* --“I hope I am doing this till the day I die. I don’t want to go home and be old.” –Pat Baker, owner of Baker’s Jewelry, Bryant, AR.

* Sunday, Aug 26 ’12: from Walter Shapiro via yahoo! Online: “I am not sure I could have survived the 103 steamy ballots that stretched over 16 days at the July 1924 Democratic convention in the decidedly un-air-conditioned Madison Square Garden in NY.” – from a retrospective of all the conventions he’s covered in his career.

*In one family: Farrell, Carroll and Darrell; in another family: Clice, Cloice, Crandal, Calbert, Clessie, Clister.


* Wedding or engagement announcement header: “Major – Stuff”

* Sherma Couch bore a son on Dec. 16, 1968 in El Dorado (obit)

* “It’s hard to keep 218 frogs in a wheelbarrow long enough to get a bill passed.” – J. Boehner on the number of lawmakers it generally takes) 5.21.12

* “… dull as a froe …” – letter-to-the-editor, AD-G

* Jay Leno owns about 135 cars and 90 motorcycles (Parade Magazine)

* “I think the key to life is low self-esteem.” – J. Leno

* Brock is a name for a badger. – B. Ampezzan on Lou Brock.

* “Baseball is the background music in our lives.” – Lou Brock

* “I absolutely loathe hydrangeas.” – Madonna (Sept, ’11)

But I LOVE hydrangeas!
These are photographed by C. Hoggard

c 2018, PL dba lovepat press, Benton AR USA

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