Sunday, August 16, 2015

End of sequel chapter and a look into a writer's group

and a look into the Hot Springs Novel Writers
 (concluded after two earlier posts to the blog)
        When Mr. Bloom walked to the front door, I followed, leaving the other ballots and the pad with all the votes on the table. “’Night, ma’am,” he said, doffing his gray beret.
* * *
         I had just finished reviewing my notes and deciding what else to add to the article, when Liddy tossed a memo on my desk. “Write this up, will you please, Celley?”
        The message read,

The five new directors of the St. Luke school board elected yesterday are Crassie R., Jerman B., Hulet P., Flossie M. and Quint W. Superintendent H. sends his thanks to all who participated in the election.

I gasped. “Liddy! Liddy!”
She was on her way back from the break room. “What? What?”
“None of these names were on the list I transcribed last night!” A flash of understanding suddenly flooded my brain. “Something’s rotten in Denmark and in St. Luke,” I told her. “The H.s obviously conspired and chose whom they wanted, thinking no one would know the difference. No wonder they treated us like country bumpkins. They had no intention of electing a school board. And they obviously had forgotten about me.”                 
 END of chapter

PAT HERE: Some of the details in these three episodes were changed for this serial, but the essence of the chapter remains.
While waiting on the published book, my thanks to Bill White, Bud Kenny, who has published his travelogue, FOOTLOOSE IN AMERICA, which can be found on Amazon with a free e-book edition if you hurry (see picture of cover below), and Gin Hartnett—all of the Hot Springs Novel Writers group for the astute critiques of both my book and Bud’s. Bill has 5  e-books available on his website at,  and we are working through another of his memoirs.
This group has always been open to new folks truly interested in writing who are amenable to suggestions for improving their work. Several writers from the area have attended the sessions a time or two, then dropped out when our method of critiquing didn’t fit either their personality or their goals in writing. Really, we’re a kind and charitable bunch of folks, but we want to send out to the world the best products possible.
ADVICE to those who get in too big a hurry to hold a book in their hands: Contract with a publisher/ editor who will actually edit (if you haven’t already had several sets of eyes read your manuscript) your work--for a price, of course. Most publishers only print what is given to them. At least, ask for a proof copy so YOU can edit it once more. Or even more than once.
Which is what I'll be doing for several days to come. The proof of HER FACE IN THE GLASS as an e-book is on my new Paperwhite Kindle as I write.



Dorothy Johnson said...

Good advice about critique group. People need to give themselves time to adjust to the process and learn to trust the group. But group chemistry matters. Looking forward to your sequel.

Dot said...

Such an exciting time! Almost seems like a chore to read it one more time, but the tricks of going from this program to that to ebook etc will do strange things and you'll be glad you checked. Take your time and enjoy the read! Can't wait to see your cover.

Grace Grits and Gardening said...

Oh yes, the joys of editing:) Like Dot, I can't wait to see your cover!

pat couch laster said...

Thanks for commenting, girls. I can't wait, either. She (& her mother) and I have a cover consult this Wednesday at noon. Steve (editor, Dot's son) is about ready for the e=book cover. I'm only thru chap. 10 in proofing. Yes, Dot, spaces put in and taken out are rampant in this change-over from Word to Kindle. Quite an experience. Love you all, PL