Thursday, December 19, 2013

Letters to Santa Claus in 1924

                The headline on page seven of the December 21, 1987 copy of The Benton (AR) Courier read, “1924: Santa Claus letters ask for fruit, nuts, candy.” The article was one of a continuing series of the “Courier Scrapbook” feature. My friend Judy Prange Smith was the editor in 1987. Here are some of those letters.
                “Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me two dresses and a sleepy doll and some fire crackers, oranges, apples, candy and nuts. . . Yours sincere [sic], Edna Louise Sullivan, Benton.”
                “Dear Old Santa: I am one of your little school girls. I want you to bring me a box of crayons, box of stationery, some story books, a pair of gloves and other things. I also want candies, nuts and fruits of all kinds . . . Sincerely yours, Eloise McCray, Congo”
                “Dear Santa Claus: Will you do me a favor? I want a be be [sic] gun and some shoes and a suit of clothes. Goodbye, Frank Davenport, Benton.”
                “Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a pair of skates and a little cupboard and a pair of little doll slippers. I will close now for I just have a few minutes. Arlene Hyten, Benton.” [Arlene Hyten Rainey still lives in Benton.]
                “Dear Santa Claus: Mama says you come to see good boys but I haven’t been so very good, but I have been trying to be as good as I could, so I hope you will bring me a few things. I would like a trombone, a sand pump and a car. Please bring my little brother Billy some toys too. Billy and I have five dollars in our bank. We want our mama to send it to you to buy toys and things with, for we want you to be sure and have something for all the children. Hope you won’t forget us. Yours, J. A. Bard, Jr., Bauxite.”
[The late J. A. Bard was my uncle. During WW 2, he served as a pilot. The Bards later lived on Boone Road in Bryant where their homestead still stands.]
“Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl five years old. I go to school. I like my teacher fine. I want a doll buggy, a tricycle, apples, oranges, nuts, candy, and all kinds of good things to eat. So don’t forget me and also mama and daddy so I will be good. Fay Del Wright, Benton.”
 [The late Faydelle Ulmer lived on Salem Road as long as I can remember. When she and her husband both died, their place was bought by a business. The house is currently being torn down.]
“Dear Santa Claus: I will write you a few lines to let you know what I want for Christmas. I want some two inch fire crackers, apples, oranges, nuts, story book, pocket knife, and watch. Oh, just everything nice for a boy. Yours truly, Curtis Carson, Detonti.”
“Dear Santa Claus: We are looking for you again this Christmas. We are good children and work lots. Please bring us something. We (Alvis and Preston) want a little red wagon big enough to hold sister. And me (Lois) wants a little red rocker large enough for me to sit in. Please don’t forget us. Alvis[,] Preston and Lois Cooper, Owensville.”
“Good Old Santa Claus: I am a little school girl seven years old. I would be pleased if you would bring me some candy and apples and oranges and a few nuts and a toy horse. I am, Your friend, Pauline Curtis, Reform.”
“Dear Santa Claus: I thought I would write you a letter so you would not forget me. I want an embroidery set, a box of stationery, apples, oranges, candy and nuts. Elise Grogan, Mabelvale.”
Pat, here. This delightful retrospective happened 12 years before I was born, but the oranges, apples, candies and nuts were staples in our stockings for as long as we hung them during the 1930s and 1940s.
 Happy memories and Merry Christmas.


Grace Grits and Gardening said...

I love these letters - they are all so special. What a glimpse into a simpler time. My how things have changed.

pat couch laster said...

Yes, how things have changed. Thanks for reading, sharing, commenting. Merry Christmas.

Colene said...

Truly enjoyed this post! Thanks to my friend Talya for sharing!

pat couch laster said...

Thanks for reading, Colene. I read your comments often on Talya's posts. Merry Christmas.