From another year's snowfall
2:45 p.m. CST Tuesday, February 18, 2025, and I look out the south window to see if I can detect anything falling. Earlier, as I schlepped the recycle bin to the roadside for Wednesday's scheduled pickup, it showed rain on the border bricks of the sidewalk but, since I was covered from the cold except for my face, I felt nothing. Soon, the drops in the birdbath stopped and nothing has happened since. Old Gray Ford Taurus sits under the shed porch out of the precip. Daughter has taken a room close to her work site so she won't need to drive on any ice that accumulates. Smart woman, right?
I have a pitcher ro catch the drips and the "Dripping tap" note at hand: to activate during the next four nights, if the lows drop as predicted. With gas heat and two electric heaters, this big old house is warm enough if one wears four layers on top and two on bottom. Myriad throws are handy if needed.
Stay warm; stay dry' stay; inside if possible. The mail may stay in the box for several days if and when the winter storm emerges.
I DO have pansies blooming, and I picked the open jonquils last night as Ms. Carson suggested.