Friday, May 6, 2022

Epistolary news to my writer friend


WE HAVEN’T TALKED IN A WHILE: This has been—so far—an unusual week. Tues. was writers group. We missed you. While we were prepping to go out for lunch, Nita got a call that her mother’s house had been broken into and ransacked. While she was talking with her sister, we cleaned up the table, put away the crackers,  etc. N. decided she’d better not leave the house. Her sister had called the police or sheriff and she wanted to not have to interrupt our lunch.

                We decided to ask L., a neighbor in the subdivision, who is a poet and writer to join the group. We have poets meeting Saturday, so I’ll broach the subject with her.

                Leeny and I decided not to eat out either, but came straight home. Guess I got a nap that afternoon, but Wednesday morning was rainy and stormy and I was involved in a good dream, so I slept in—till 11 am! First time I EVER remember doing that! No nap on Wednesday, but a 10 pm bedtime.

                This morning (Thurs) I was back on schedule, I suppose; arose right at 8. At 3 pm, E.’s coming up to take me again to sign the amendments to my Trust papers. So no nap today; another 10 pm bedtime (I usually stay up till 11:30 or midnight.)

                Earlier this morning, I de-grassed the marble-rock patio and planted 4 dianthus at the edge between the hanging baskets of begonia and airplane plant. Still have 16 more such plants to put around the front and perhaps in the concrete blocks along the old driveway. I bought a flat at Lowe’s the first trip to the lawyer (E. took me to be another set of ears) on Mar. 17. I’ve kept them watered since then and the ground is wet (DUH) so they should make it.

                Am giving myself time to re-dress before E. comes, but I don’t want to again get my hands/fingernails dirty by working out before our appointment. Instead, I’ll continue reading CALLIOPE. I refuse to read alien/fantasy/speculative stories, so I’ll get finished sooner than later.

                How many pieces are you sending to the contest? I’m proud that L.’s getting into the competition arena with both feet! Success ‘ll do that to one, right??

    Love, Penny


c PL, dba lovepat press, Benton AR USA

                Eager to hear of your Easter and post-Easter activities. Love, Penny